Toddler, Pre-K, K, 6+

Okay, I might be a genius for coming up with this one. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how it looks hanging in my kitchen!
To make this craft you will need:
- Yellow paint
- Large sheet of paper (I actually glued several pieces to a large cardboard piece I had)
- 1 mommy (or daddy) hand (or be creative and do both!!!)
- kids hands
- crayons/markers
Start with your biggest duck first. It is easier to squeeze in smaller "ducks" not so easy to squeeze in bigger ducks.
Stamp your hand down and clean yourself up. Now, take your eldest duck and paint their SAME side hand as you did. Stamp them close to you, but leave a bit of room. Keep going until you have all of your ducks in a row! :)
Once the paint is dry add a few finishing touches like webbed feet and and bills and eyes. I also put our names under the ducks. And, I jazzed it up with some construction paper grass layers.
I think it needs a ribbon frame around it, but other than that I LOVE it.